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People have started to tell us about their lives after cancer

Dr Jonathan Gregory

We have completed the first stage of the Indigo trial!

More than 1,500 people have already signed up and taken part in the Indigo survey.

We started with a small test in Northwest London to make sure the survey works well. With the help of 115 GP practices in NW London, we sent out SMS messages to people who had been diagnosed with cancer.

From the early results we know that the survey has reached people aged 22 to 94, and we've heard from people affected by almost every type of cancer. Some people were treated a year ago, while others were treated over 40 years ago! Some have been cured, while others are living with cancer that cannot be cured. We've heard from people from many different communities and backgrounds.

It's inspiring that people are willing to give 15-20 minutes of their time to support our research. By sharing the good and difficult parts of their lives after cancer, they show us that there is still a lot we need to do to help people manage the effects of cancer and its treatment.

We have learned a lot from this first stage. Some parts of the survey worked really well, while others didn't go as planned. So, we've been busy improving the survey. We have redesigned some of the questions. We have created an animation to help people decide if they want to take part. Our patient partners have worked to improve the look and feel of the survey.

We are now waiting for the ethics committee to review these changes so we can launch Indigo across England from late September 2024. We aim to recruit more than 50,000 participants, so there is still lots to do!

Please check in with us in late September to see when we are open in your region.

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